Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday 13 #????

Okay so I've been slack! Here goes.
Thirteen things that happened on this day
  1. 1848 - Seneca Falls, Finger Lakes NY state - 250 women and 40 men met under the leadership of ELizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott to discuss women's grievances including the right for women to vote in the USA (women could stand for election since 1788)
  2. 1374 - Italian Poet Petrarch dies near Padua- famed for his poem To Laura. Said to be the scholar who paved the way for the Renaissance.
  3. 1799 - The Rosetta Stone was found by the French in Egypt. (takes its name from the harbor in which it was found)
  4. 1834 - French painter and sculptor Edgar Degas was born.
  5. 1870 - Napoleon III declares war to start the Franco-Prussian War (lasted into 1871)
  6. 1930 - Maurice Garin wins the first Tour De France
  7. 1817 - Readers of Jane Austen begin to mourn her death (the day before)
  8. 1861 - Confederate troops look about to secure victory at Bull Run dashing Federal hopes of an easy victory.
  9. 1942 - RAF continues it daylight raids on the Ruhr
  10. 1944 - Von Staffenberg makes bomb for 'Valkyrie' conspiracy, set for the following day to assasinate Hitler
  11. 1944 - The rumors begin about bread rationing in Britain ( goes into effect 22 July)
  12. 1954 - The second day of the Four-Power COnference in Geneva (Eisenhower, Eden, Faure, Bulganin) the first meeting of heads of power since Potsdam 1945)
  13. AD 64 - Nero watches Rome burn and orders his troops to fire on the city. He did not fiddle as it burned but watched from the Tower of Maecenas then put on an actors costume and sang his own composition 'The Sack of Ilium'.
(Thanks to W.B. Marsh & Bruce Carrick - Great stories from History 365 for everyday of the year, Pears Encyclopedia, 1977-1978, and my High School History teachers)


Unknown said...

Great list, Robyn. I'm not a huge history buff, but I have to say I love reading little snippets like this.

Wylie Kinson said...

I'm going to randomly quote these all day, just to impress my friends. :)

re The Brotherhood proof copies... We'd have to stalk her fiercely, Robyn. And if we didn't end up in jail then maybe MAYBE she'd let us proof the blurbs ;D

Unknown said...

Fabulous list. Thanks!
Happy T13

damozel said...

I enjoyed the historical perspective. It's all so random, isn't it? Nero in one millenium; Tour de France in another...

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Neat stuff, Robyn!

Btw, I've mostly lost track of what number TT I'm on, too. I think I'm close to 40, but how close, I'm not sure. And really, does it matter?

Rhian said...

you know - there have been some terrifically educational TTs this week. This is wonderful Robyn!