People come from all over to attend! (Oops Long horn stare from a long horn steer)
OUr hotel
Elm St and building where JFK met his fate
Me with Author Jackie Ivie ( Knights Lady and others)
Me with two of TRWs GH FInalists - Anne Perry and Maureen McGowan
No hot gossip yet- unless you count that the Dixie Chicks have not been played on any radio station in Texas since thier faux pas, but certainly lots of complaints about the lack of other eating places and sightseeing/things to do around the hotel.
Dragged my poor roommate Deb, all over the city yesterday in the heat. Took in the Sixth Floor Museum where Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK, then down to the Pioneer Park to view the Bronze cattle men and horses. Did you know that Neiman Marcus has its original store here, her one consolation is that she found Ben & Jerry icecream on a stick is cheap here!!!!
Registered... there are still places if anyone wants to come. Our book bags are black and Lime green and this year contained a much more manageable number of books Brushed shoulders with Nora Roberts, spoke with author friend Jackie Ivie, caught up with TRW GH finalists and then went to Bill Bates Ranch.... a bit of a fizzer as it poured with rain but lots of laughs, singing cowboy and a hayride on soggy hay in the dark.
AM involved in Authors Literacy today I'm one of the supervisors... more tomorrow Have a good one.
This is great Robyn! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures. The pictures are fantastic!
Hey Chris
Wish you were here. ZYou have to come to authors signing next year in San Fran.,... it is a circus but sooo much fun!
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