Thursday, August 9, 2007

TT - Thirteen Ways to detect a witch in 1486.

Okay - lets get this straight - these were used to identify witches during the Inquisition as set out in 1486's Malleus Malleficarum - the Witch Hunters Manual a book in three parts - one- explains who dangerous witches were, and how evil. The second - types of witches and what they did usually deviant sexual practices and luring men to have sex with them. Third part was ways to 'legally' convict them of witchcraft.
It heralded the beginning of the Inquisition at it most terrifying. The last English witch trial was held and repealed in 1736
Please note - no offense is intended to any Wiccans, Pagans or Religious groups.

  1. The Devil's Mark : scar, mole, birthmark. mole, wart, pimple, pockmark, cyst, liver spot, wen, insect bite, ulcer, blemish. If nothing is visible the witch was "pricked" (people were employed as Prickers) all over to search for an insensitive spot where the devil had given his blinding kiss.
  2. talking to oneself or animals or being overly attached to an animal.
  3. keeping a black animal - cat or lamb in particular
  4. spinning around
  5. freckles, red hair, odd eyes. Blue and brown you're a gonner.
  6. The Witch of Newberry was executed for surfing on a board in the river.according to Allan Maurer and Renne Wright -
  7. trail by fire - if you didn't burn holding red-hot irons you were innocent
  8. trail by water -"swimming the witch" the innocent sank
  9. physical impediment such as old, wrinkled, deformed, pale, too skinny, lame
  10. any unusual behaviour that followed in the wake of calamities, illness (like getting better or go mad with grief)
  11. "weighing the witch" - guilty if she weighed less than the massive tombs of the day
  12. healing - anything from a septic cut to something that would normally be fatal
  13. Money/religion - witnesses could be bribed to say an enemy was a witch and anyone who seemed to be a threat to the Church would soon be accused of witchcraft.
Basically anyone outside society's perception of normal for those times. It was easier to accuse someone of being a witch, than to prove you weren't. These people obviously hadn't heard of the Wiccan Crede in which it states: "For what you send out returns to thee times three. "

Sources: The Writer's Complete Fantasy Reference, Writers Digest Books 1998
Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft (2nd Ed) Denise Zimmerman & Katherine A. Gleason Alpha Books 2003


Unknown said...

It's scary how they tried to "prove" people were witches. And they didn't even have a grasp on what the wiccan religion is all about. Great information, Robyn.

Andi said...

Wow, this was a really interesting list! Were those the main 13 ways to detect a witch? And are there more? (Probably, since people accused for the most silly reasons).

Great idea for a TT ;-)

And a Happy TT to you!


Michelle Hasker said...

I agree, that is downright scary.
Thanks for sharing that! And for visiting my blog

Amelia June said...

You know they told me at the shelter that they STILL have a hard time with getting black cats adopted.

We have two black boys, both do nothing evil except the occasional hairball.

Anonymous said...

EEK! They wouldn't have liked me much in 1486, as much of an affinity as I have for cats!

Very fascinating list -- I, too, have heard of the Malleus Malleficarum -- a study in misogyny if ever there was one!

Happy TT, and thanks for visiting mine!

Robin L. Rotham said...

You know, this gives new meaning to the phrase "going on a witch hunt". Most of those were total Catch-22 tests. Scary stuff!

Unknown said...

This was a very interesting list!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Pimples?? I'm SO burned at the stake (not to mention my brown eyes).

Well, at least I'll go out in a blaze of glory...

Happy TT and please, no groaning at my bad puns.

Rebecca said...

That was very interesting, thanks for the info!

Happy TT13 - mines up at

Finlands finest said...

I must be a witch because I have a black kitten who is the most adorable kitten in the world. :)

Great TT!

Robin said...

The freckles and moles would have gotten me. Then again, I'm Jewish, so a heretic in any case :).

Anonymous said...

Can't believe that was a part of our history. Thanks for the list. Happy TT!

Lis said...

Wow, what a list.

Amy Ruttan said...

The punishments were just as scary as the trials.

I know in England one witch finder would accuse women he wanted to go to bed with as being witches, only if they denied him. He was apparently quite homely.

Great TT!

Lisa Andel said...

It's just disturbing that you could be called a witch for pretty much anything, and be executed because of that.

Robyn Mills said...

What gets to me is that when you were proved innocent you were usually dead from the test.
TG we live in more enlightened and tolerant times - for the most part.

Amy said...

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Nicholas said...

The bible said "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". One wonders what sort of evil mind was behind that. In one verse it condemned hundreds of thousands of unfortunate people, mainly women, to an agonising death. As one commenter has said, these were Catch-22 tests, so one way or another, accusation usually led to death.

solo joe said...

im from Puerto Rico. since i was a kid i heard that when it rains while there is a sunny day outside...a witch is getting marry. and today i heard a new one; when in your house some strange orange stain appears on your house a witch is having a affair with your husband.

i found this so funny and how this ideas goes around that i ended up looking about more information of these i found your post.

do u know about more how a witch cant avoid being detected or leave some clues (like the orange stuff or raining on a sunny day) depending on the actions they take?


Anonymous said...

I've been looking for info on Thirteen Ways to detect a witch and luckily I ran into your blog, it has great info on what I'm looking and is going to be quite useful for the paper I'm working on.
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Thanks for the post and have a nice day.

jahxter said...

They were pretty dumb to believe your innocent if hot iron didn't burn you