Saturday, August 4, 2007

Success is hard work.

In Dallas at the RWA National, I was with a group of multi published author friends who were moaning about their work loads... yeah like I should be so lucky.... anyway they were envious (to a point) of my unpub status... Enjoy it they said, you can write what and when you feel like it, you have no constraints, no public ready to pounce on something that they feel should not be. If you are unpub and have finished a manuscript and started another, you have success. So many don't get to type - The End. That in itself is success...
It got me thinking about success and here is what a few others think of it.

  • (On being congratulated on a Competition win) It is always encouraging to receive a compliment - Brenda Novak (author)
  • I work really hard - Tiger Woods (golfer)
  • The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary - Vidal Sassoon (hairdresser)
  • Success can be wracking and reproachful, to you and those close to you. It can entangle you with legends that are consuming and all but impossible to live up to. - Gordon Parks (photographer film director)
  • What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work. - Stephen King (author)
  • In all things, success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure. - Confucius (Chinese philospher and ethics teacher)
  • '-be happy but not satisfied' - Sensei David Kovar (6th degree black belt)
  • Getting there is only part of the challenge, it is how you deal with it that determines whether success continues - Anon
  • (on how to write a successful novel) - There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. - Somerset Maugham.
  • Success is counted sweetest, by those who ne'er succeed
  • To comprehend a nectar, requires sorest need. - Emily Dickinson (poet)

Guess it is back to the grind... and I'll take a leave out of Rita Mae Brown's book and - "pray for chance magnificence."

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