Thursday, August 2, 2007

13 Facts and Fallacies about health and diet!

1.Diet soft drinks can help you lose weight!
Only if you are substituting real sugar sodas for diet (save 100 cal approx)
NB: Rats fed artificial sweetners craved more calories than rats fed real sugar.

2. Eating late at night in unhealthy and makes you fat and lead to a poor nights sleep!
  • Fallacy it will only make you feel ill if you aren't used to it and consume more calories than you will burn off in the next 24 hours. Fallacy - There is no evidence to support that going to sleep on a full stomach, or the time of eating, leads to a worse nights sleep, unless of course you are not used to it.
3.Calories consumed after 6pm lead to sleepless nights and make you fat!
  • Fallacy - There is no evidence to support that calories consumed later in the day hang around. It is how often you consume these large amounts of calories not the time they are consumed that lead to fat deposits. Calories consumed late in the evening can have a beneficial affect on sleep - take hot chocolate for instance, or a glass of red wine.
4. Commercially prepared children's food are geared to their needs.
  • only 'beginner' baby foods like simple pureed fruits and vegetables that have no salt or sugar added.
  • Most commercial foods targeted to children are sweetened, contain artificial colors, flavors and bright appealing packaging. None of which are to do with the 'needs' of young children. Many 'regular adult foods containing less sugar and fewer additivies are far healthier.
5. When you go a long time with little food your stomach shrinks.
  • Fallacy. The stomach never shrinks it only enlarges to accommodate large portions of food then returns to its previous size. However the entire digestive tract can be overtaxed and overworked if it is only used to small portions and is suddenly called on to deal with a larger quantity. In stomach stapling for extreme obesity - the original (empty) size of the stomach is stapled so it wont accommodate as much food.
6. Adding salt to cooking vegetables keeps their colors bright.
  • Fallacy. Salt has no effect on the color of vegetables. Waters acidity and mineral content contribute to the molecular changes n vegetables and often affects their color. NB: Plunging vegetable into ice cold water after blanching will help them retain their color.
7. Searing meat seals in the juices.
  • Fallacy. Tests prove that seared meat and unseared meat have about the same amount of juice. Searing does however gives it better flavor due to the protein and sugar reaction to heat.
8. Cooking time for roast meat depends on its weight
  • Although weight is important the shape also affects the amount of time it takes the heat to reach the center of the roast thus affecting cooking time.
9. Alcohol evaporates during cooking.
  • It does evaporate faster than water but not all of it evaporates when cooked. e.g. something cooked in alcohol for 2 1/2 hrs will retain 5% alcohol, a flambe however retains 85%.
10. You can't deep fry in olive oil.
  • You can but it does smoke faster(375F/191C) than other oils. It works fine in a deep fryer and gives food flavor however it is a lot more expensive than other oils.
11. Water is better than milk in an omelet.
  • It might be healthier but tests have proved that an omelet made with milk is softer, fluffier and has more flavor.
12. The highest levels of Vitamin C are found in lemons.
  • Fallacy - per 100gms, the Barbados cherries are the highest with 3,ooomgs, then rosehips with 2,800mgs and sea buckthorn 1,200mgs. Fruits such as blackcurrants 190mgs, kiwi 100mgs; green cabbage 105mgs; and red peppers 100mgs. Oranges and lemons only contain 40-50 mgs.
13. The smell of strawberries is made from --well, strawberries.
  • Fallacy - the so-called fruit aromas are produced by bacteria and fungi.
Another load of useless info for you thanks the the Health and Diet section of: 1,000 Common Delusions and the real facts behind them by Christa Poppelmann, Firefly Books, 2006.


Shelby said...

great list :)

Melina said...

WOW I didn't know a lot of those and some I thought were true.

Thanks for the 411!

Come visit my TT it is up as well.

impwork said...

I can't make my mind up which is the most interesting so I'll just say thanks for a great list :-)

TeaMouse said...

Interesting list. I did hear that artificial sugar makes you crave more calories but I didn't know about night time calories.

Joely Sue Burkhart said...

Ack, I might not be able to eat strawberries again! Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Great list, #9 is one that a lot of people are always wrong about. Not ever going to get all that alcohol out of your food, hick. :) Happy TT!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I had discovered the fallacy about kids' foods when Opening Act #1 was ready for them. And the taste? Ugh! Even he hated them, especially the "kids" yogurts. Blech!

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

I remember finding out about strawberries... I have to admit, as a guy who tries to live by the edicts of science, I was a little crushed.

dawn said...

Great list - some of these I didn't know about.
Happy TT

Amy Ruttan said...

Great list. I used to always feel bad if I ate before I went to sleep, now I know it doesn't affect me if I have a piece of cheese or something.

My greatest vice is the diet coke.